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Diablo 3 Guides

To Take Advantage of Group Play

The ability of damage Le Moines is a bit lowest as other classes, but he has the buffs and rebuffs best group's enemies several that make it an excellent course in the game by group and . You do not need to use a full party to do the job. If you have only 1 friend to play with, I recommend using actually a duet that Monk and the Barbarian. No matter if you choose to play solo or in groups, getting the right speed for your Monk is a huge help. Before going into detail to what Diablo 3 Monk leveling guide, you should first know that, on all classes, the Monk is by far the best class to play with groups.

The monk can compensate for this weakness through healing, buffs, rebuffs and. The reason is that the monk does solid damage zone and has many great impairments to use on bosses (-25% damage dealt by the enemy, the damage taken), but is a bit lacking in the category single target damage. The Barbarian, on the other hand can come up with a very powerful single-target damage build if it focuses entirely on offense, but in turn lack of survival with such an accumulation.

When leveling up, I recommend you take what you can get as far as weapons go. Not of stat is also important that DPS of your weapon raw like a monk. Since they are both melee classes and , you will not have to travel to use Breath of Heaven, and once you reach the next level you take advantage of the amateur damage 16% under the skill guided light. In addition, both the Barbarian and Monk much great AoE damage through Wave Cleave and incapacitating, making it an excellent pair leveling tearing through content faster than either class could solo.

When used cons a boss or during an attack AoE cons one pack of champion, you can keep enemies that deal significantly less damage to virtually all time. The best part is, it means that your playing partners will also take less damage, allowing them to be more offensive oriented. When playing in a group, be sure to use the capabilities that take advantage of group play. For example, the Resolve passive skill reduces the damage you hit enemies by 25% for 2.5 seconds.

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